We’ve included a collection of Website Instruments within your Site Control Panel that can assist you effectively market your sites on the Internet. Efficient Sites’s sitemap generation tool will help you have a complete sitemap of your website. Furthermore, you’ll be able to publish that sitemap to search engines to crawl your website. The RSS News instrument will allow you to produce fresh content on your index page so you could get far better opportunities to rise higher in search engine rankings. Furthermore, we have incorporated a GeoIP re–direction instrument that will help you target your customers more precisely according to their geographical location.

A Sitemap Generator

Obtain a sitemap with all your web pages a click of the mouse

The simplest way of getting your newly launched site scanned by the major search engines is to submit a sitemap. The sitemap offers all of the pages within your web site and by publishing it to a particular search engine, you tell it you’d like to have those pages to get scanned in a timely manner. Sitemaps are typically built by 3rd party applications. Nevertheless, with Efficient Sites, you do not need to move from your Site Control Panel. Efficient Sites’s inhouse made Sitemap Generator is integrated within the Advanced Applications part and will create a sitemap on your behalf with a click of the mouse.

Everything you should do is choose the highest quantity of webpages you prefer to be listed, the range of the indexed hyperlinks and the extension of the sitemap document.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Quick location–based redirection

Our company offers a straightforward application, which will allow you to sort the visitors to your web site based upon their area. For example, with the GeoIP redirection application, you can easily forward all of the site visitors coming from Spain to the Spanish version of your web site if you’ve got such. This will help you focus on your users far more accurately and supply them with the on–site stay they expect to have.

No exclusive abilities or technical experience are necessary to use the GeoIP re–direction application, and you will no longer need to use .htaccess files to do the job.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most up–to–date news on your site

What exactly is RSS? RSS represents a technique for posting and gathering content. It is becoming commonly used by media web sites, individual blogs, bulletins, and so on. The published information is readily collected by a news reader and afterwards displayed to the user. Utilizing RSS, users may collect updates from a variety of web sites and go through them in a single location.

Using the RSS News tool, you can quickly integrate headlines feeds coming from some of the world’s most well–liked news portals and demonstrate them on you site.

RSS News