A data center is a facility that accommodates a large number of hosting servers. The servers could be employed for numerous purposes - hosting, file and photo storage, computing, and so on. All large businesses that offer online services have their web servers in one or multiple data centers since such a facility can supply the necessary environment and security for the information stored on the hosting servers. Including environmental controls for the humidity and temperature in order to ensure the optimum performance and long life of the hosting servers, backup generators, hardware monitoring and last, but not least, physical security and safety as to make certain that your information cannot be accessed by an unauthorized third-party. A inadequately performing data center can easily undermine the services a firm provides.

Data centers in Cloud Hosting

If you choose to sign up for one of our cloud hosting packages, you shall have a choice between five of the best data centers on 3 different continents - Colohouse in Chicago, USA, UK Servers in Coventry, United Kingdom, S3Company in Sofia, Bulgaria, Ficolo in Pori, Finland and Amaze in Sydney, Australia. This will enable you to choose a location closer to your website visitors, so they shall be able to enjoy high loading speeds all of the time. Every facility has multi-gigabit connectivity, fantastic environmental settings and knowledgeable 24/7 technical support, which is exactly why we work with them for years. Since they offer superb server maintenance, we can focus on improving our hosting services in order to present you with the absolute best service without having to worry about our servers. We've employed our advanced cloud platform in all 5 locations, so you can benefit from it and enjoy an excellent service irrespective of the data center that you choose.

Data centers in Semi-dedicated Servers

We offer our effective semi-dedicated server plans in five data centers on three continents so as to make certain that regardless of where you or your site visitors are situated, your Internet websites will always be accessible at high speed. Colohouse in the USA, UK Servers in England, Amaze in Australia, S3Company in Bulgaria and Ficolo in Finland are the facilities that you will find on our order page and you will be able to select each of them with a click. We work with these data centers because they are amongst the major ones within their respective country and they all present exceptional infrastructure for the hosting servers which are a part of the cloud hosting platform in which we build semi-dedicated accounts. Multiple Internet providers with high-speed routes to many large cities on the 3 continents, an individual UPS unit for each server and highly effective backup generators are just a couple of the reasons to select these facilities, not mentioning their proficient support teams that can easily deal with any unexpected issue in minutes. We have been working with them for many years and we've experienced first-hand the excellent level of service they offer, which subsequently allows us to provide first-class hosting services to all our customers.

Data centers in Dedicated Servers

We've picked the Colohouse data center in Chicago, United States, for our dedicated servers for a reason - the facility offers the best conditions for the optimal functioning of any server accommodated there. Powerful diesel generators and UPS devices shall keep all machines up and running even if there's no power for days while using numerous Internet suppliers guarantees that any info which you have on your dedicated hosting server shall be accessible at all times. Due to the fact that the data center is situated in the middle of North America, any customer across the continent shall be able to look through your Internet sites as quickly as their own connection allows them to. The facility features fiber connections to both Coasts and to several major cities in the United States and Canada, making it a suitable location if you want to reach Internet users even from Mexico or Latin America. The proper performance of your server is guaranteed by an expert support crew that will handle any hardware problem 24/7. To be on the safe side, we have got spare web servers and parts, thus your websites shall be online constantly.