SPF, which abbreviates Sender Policy Framework, is a verification system that is aimed at stopping the so-called e-mail faking. Basically, this indicates sending a message from one email and making it look like it’s sent from another one with the objective to scam in some manner the person receiving it. If the SPF protection is running for a domain, a record that contains all of the mail servers authorized to send messages with addresses in the domain is created. The record is placed on all of the DNS servers that direct the web traffic globally, so they all will recognize if an email message originates from a valid server or not. The check is performed at the first server where the e-mail goes through and in the first case the email message is forwarded, while in the second it's discarded and it never gets to the intended recipient. Applying SPF records for your domains will stop any unwanted people from making use of your emails for harmful purposes.

SPF Protection in Cloud Hosting

You'll be able to activate the SPF protection service for your domains with only a few clicks inside the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with our cloud hosting. This is performed via the section bearing an identical name and you're able to set up the protection for any domain name hosted on our advanced cloud platform. Using a really convenient interface, all you'll need to type in is the hostname of the mail server which will be authorized to send out messages from your email addresses and its IPv4 or IPv6 address. Last, but not least, you can include several servers too, if needed. If your e-mail addresses are taken care of on our end, you may also employ a more secure option by putting a limit that e-mail messages can be sent only if your domains include our MX records. This alternative can't be applied in case your website is here, but your e-mail addresses are with some third-party service provider. Either way, the SPF protection solution can significantly improve your online security and prevent others from spoofing your e-mail addresses.

SPF Protection in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you have a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you can protect your emails by enabling the SPF protection service for every domain name hosted in the account with just a few clicks. This is done through the Emails section of our Hepsia Control Panel which is included with the semi-dedicated accounts and even if you lack previous practical experience with these kinds of issues, you will not have any difficulties to enable the protection. All that you'll have to do is to choose a domain from a drop-down list then type in the mail server hostname and IPv4 or IPv6 address. When the new record propagates, messages from your e-mail addresses will be sent around the world only if they are sent from that server. If your emails are managed by our company and not by a third-party provider, you will also be able to activate an option for e-mail messages to be mailed only if the domain contains our MX records and the latter would be the safest option. When you have any questions regarding thisfunction, you'll be able to contact our support team 24/7.