A solid-state drive (SSD) boosts the performance of any app running on it compared with a common hard-disk drive (HDD). The reason is that a solid-state drive uses a number of interconnected flash memory units, so there are no physical parts to move. In contrast, a hard disk employs spinning disks and any reading or writing process causes the disks to move, meaning the speed of an HDD is restricted. As the prices of the two types of drives also differ, many computer systems and web servers are provided with an SSD for the OS and random applications, and a hard disk for file storage, this way balancing price and effectiveness. A website hosting service provider can also use an SSD for caching purposes, thus files that are used regularly will be stored on such a drive for achieving improved loading speeds and for minimizing the reading/writing processes on the hard drives.

SSD with Data Caching in Cloud Hosting

Our modern cloud website hosting platform employs exclusively SSD drives, so in case you buy any of our cloud hosting packages, you'll take advantage of the speed that the drives provide. We no longer use hard drives, so your files, databases and emails will all load from quick SSDs. For even better performance, we also use caching SSDs. A group of drives are used by our system for any file which is accessed often and the data on these drives is dynamically refreshed in order to make sure that all traffic-intensive files load from them. That way, the load on the main drives is decreased, so we can guarantee exceptional performance for all kinds of sites irrespective of how many times they are accessed and prevent a situation where some websites are affected by an excessive number of reading and writing processes generated by others. This setup also raises the lifespan of the primary drives and decreases the possibility of disk failure.

SSD with Data Caching in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you purchase one of our semi-dedicated server packages, your websites will be stored on a cloud platform that employs solely SSD drives for the storing of files, databases and e-mail messages. In addition to the revolutionary ZFS file system that we use, this setup provides lightning-fast loading speed for each web app hosted on our end. To guarantee that the Internet sites of one customer will not affect the ones of another, we also use multiple SSDs as cache - our system detects files that are accessed more frequently and copies them, so they start loading from the caching drives. The content on the latter is updated dynamically and consequently we can balance the load on all of the drives, warrant their extended lifespan, lower the risk of disk failures and, of course, provide you with a super fast and reliable web hosting service.