MySQL is one of the most commonly used database management systems on the market. A database is a collection of cells with information that are arranged in tables and the administration system is the software that links the info to a script application. As an illustration, a forum stores all posts, usernames, avatars etc within a database and each time a website visitor opens a given thread, the forum script connects to the database and “calls” the content which has to be displayed on a particular page. MySQL is really popular because of its great performance, simplicity and the fact that it can work with lots of popular scripting languages such as PHP, Python, Perl, and so forth. All dynamic sites that are developed with a script-driven application need some kind of database and a lot of the most widely used ones like Joomla, Moodle, Mambo and WordPress use MySQL.

MySQL 5 Databases in Cloud Hosting

Our cloud hosting will allow you to host MySQL-driven websites without any issue as our cloud platform has the latest management system version set up. You'll be able to create, erase and control your databases without difficulty through our custom Hepsia CP. If you'd like to migrate a site from another hosting provider, you should use the phpMyAdmin tool that you can access from Hepsia, or you can connect remotely once you have allowed this feature for your IP address. In the same way you may also change specific cells or tables inside any of your databases. Generating a backup is also simple and requires simply a click on the Backup button for a certain database. This feature allows you to keep a copy of an Internet site on your PC or to export the content of a particular database, change it on your end using some software, and then import it back.

MySQL 5 Databases in Semi-dedicated Servers

MySQL 5 is one of the database management systems included with our semi-dedicated servers and you shall be able to set up and use any script app that requires a MySQL database easily. Our innovative Hepsia CP offers you total control of any database which you create - you may change its password with a mouse click, export or import content and even access it remotely using an application installed on your computer or laptop. To make certain that nobody else will be able to use the latter option, you will need to include your IP address inside the CP just before you're able to access the database. If you prefer a web interface to manage a particular database, Hepsia shall give you access to the feature-rich phpMyAdmin tool via which you can modify certain cells and tables or run MySQL commands through your browser.